Friday, September 12, 2014

The “sexiest” game of International Politics

It’s not quite a common practice of me to dig deep into ancient history and geography of the Middle East region. And even much less is the case when the history has so to do with religion. But I’m going to try this time and see how it goes. You see, there’s this little thing in the Bible about a certain Jonas, who was sent by God to go to the ancient city of Nineveh to tell the people to change their evil ways of life. Do you remember?

Well, I’m not necessarily interested in the story as it were, but I would like to look into something else about the story-- the geography involved. I am a keen follower of international relations so I naturally love to follow events through history to develop a better understanding of how things had been in the past and how they stand today. Why not? That’s where the surprises of international relations stem from!

Well, I still wonder how Jonas did three days and three nights in the bowel of the whale. Jonas did not get digested apparently because the whale had run out of digestive enzymes! And when he came out, nobody got him to debrief, too. Anyway, we will talk about that later, but for now, let’s put the modern map on top of the ancient one and see if we could trace precisely where Nineveh was.

Nah, let’s do it the other way around: that’s more fun. So in the maze of all these bunch of ISIS and some few other craps going on out there, I thought I should particularly look out for “nuclear Iran.” I will later tell you why I was looking into Iran particularly, but guess what? When I placed the modern map onto the ancient one, it turned out that Iran sits directly on Nineveh!

In some other news, Pres. Barack Obama has declared his clear intention to go after ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Well, that does not surprise me… after all ISIS stands for Islamic states in Iraq and Syria. So, of course, if you want to go after ISIS you will definitely end up in these two countries. That is a good idea but here’s the thing: I wonder how AL-Assad’s forces are going to play allies to the US forces in the fight against ISIS in Syria. A couple of enemies tagging along to go after their common enemy!

I sniffed the air after Obama’s speech and I learned Assad has already extended the offer to help Obama go after ISIS in his country. Hmmm…I wonder what the game is, but I will leave it with you to figure it out. DON’T GET CAUGHT!


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